
I’m a London-based journalist, writing lifestyle features and interviews for magazines and newspapers. I’m a contributing editor for Town and Country magazine and a longtime contributor for Country Life.
I write about anything that interests me, from the relationship between mothers and daughters for Harper’s Bazaar to whether CBD-laced drinks can boost mood for Spectator Life. You can also read articles on my website from Grazia, the Mail on Sunday and the Daily Telegraph.
Previously, I worked as a hunting correspondent and news editor for Horse & Hound magazine and a radio reporter and producer for BBC News, filing for From Our Own Correspondent, the Today programme and PM on Radio 4 and reading the news on BBC6 Music.
Interviews, opinion, food writing, travel, style, social trends, books, music and property.

The writer who came to stay
One of the last interviews with the legendary children's author, Judith Kerr

Life in a cold climate
How the Mitford Sisters' Cotswold childhood shaped their lives and work.

That'll do, pig
Why the ham is the real centrepiece of the Christmas table

Shaken, not stirred
Dukes' famous martinis are as lethal as their most famous aficionado

As nice as pie
How the humble pie is taking centre stage as a great British dish

The play's still the thing
Advice for parents of new undergraduates.Daily Telegraph Student Guide